Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Hero's Welcome

Believe this, here's an un-ironic, non-outraged link to a Glenn Beck segment. His show recently featured my cousin Sharon Hyland Keyser, who is a newly married wife of a marine serving in Iraq that recently left her job to start an organization to give returning soldiers in the Philadelphia area a surprise welcome when they return home. These welcomings have been pretty elaborate and the stories are really touching. Her brother also served in Afghanistan and her parents are very good people.

The organization takes a non-partisan and non-ideological stance and welcomes the support of anyone regardless of their position on the war. Support the cause if you're inclined to. I will.

I don't really watch cable news, except when news breaks, so hat tip to my Mom for the heads up. This reminds me, my wife Allison is supposed to be on CNN Headline News any day now in a taped segment about colleges. She's also supposed to kill me for telling anyone. Please let me know if you see her segment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As your wife, Allison, you are in BIG trouble mister!