Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar thoughts

As if you care...

High point was Marty winning at last. Ever since I've been into movies, I've been upset about Scorsese getting snubbed for so many great works. He was due, and he's owed. I don't care if he got it for Kundun, but I just saw The Departed last week and it seemed worthy of its awards.

Low point would be Melissa Etheridge winning best song. My beef isn't with her per se, though I've always found her unlistenable, but a song that played over the credits beating out the Dreamgirls songs that were better written and were integral to the movie. My biggest beef with Dreamgirls is that the songs and arrangements sounded not at all like Motown, but at least these were songs.

That will be the last time I post about a musical, movie or otherwise.

Also to note- ellen=snooze.

Obama on Iraq, in 2002

The war in Iraq was supported, on one level or another, by nearly every serious candidate for President, on either party- with one notable exception. Watch this interview the Barack Obama gave in late 2002, before the invasion took place.

I recognize that there is a big distinction between being a Senator, in the case of McCain, Clinton or Edwards and deferring to the President and being the President who proactively sought to make war with Iraq. The #1 question as it pertains to Iraq and the 2008 election is whether a candidate would have made the same mistake as President. John McCain seems to intimate that he would have, but would have run the war more competently. John Edwards says sorry, and we're waiting for Hillary's definitive answer. I'm inclined to support Barack Obama next year for a number of reasons, but chief among those is that on the issue of the day, he was right from the beginning and understood the risks with such clarity, it sounds like a post-mortem.